Tuesday, March 2, 2010

"Spirals and Speculations"

The famous Norwegian spiral, what was it? In December 2009 a perfect spiral appeared over Norway, a spectacular display of blue light funneling from the ground witnessed by many. Well the Russians are saying it’s a Bulava intercontinental ballistic missile that failed at the third stage after being test-fired from a submarine in the White Sea. This coming a day after they denied any involvement. Though since there has been many stimulations brought forth to explain this perfect spiral, none I have seen are convincing and I have to follow my intuition and look elsewhere as usual.

William Henry says it is the Apotheosis at hand, a Christian prophecy claiming the arrival of two witnesses that will appear during this time who give the anti-christ a hard time and open the door for the messianic figure. William says there are many images showing the opening of a wormhole in Christian symbolism and I have to admit it does resemble just that. This happened at the same time of the Copenhagen Conference, and the eve of the presentation of the nobel peace prize to President Obama. Claims have been made that Obama represents the anti-christ and maybe being he was attempting to push forward a global agenda to enslave the human race in the name of Global Warming.

Another theory is that it was linked to (H.A.A.R.P)High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program created in 1990 and managed by the Air Force Research Laboratory and the Office of Naval Research. The goal of the program is to further advance our knowledge of the physical and electrical properties of the Earth's ionosphere which can affect our military and civilian communication and navigation systems.

There has been much speculation that H.A.A.R.P is used to control the weather exciting the atmosphere anywhere at anytime on the planet. Some say causing earthquakes and hurricanes at will. It's operates a radio antenna pumping massive high-frequency directional broadcasts into the air for the purpose of heating the ionosphere. Sounds to me like nothing good could come out of this nor do I believe that was its original purpose.One more spiral speculation to consider and we are on to the next.

Richard C. Hoagland on enterprisemission.com has come up with a total different theory after much investigation and inside information. He claims that in fact there was a failed Russian missile but it was caused by the spiral as apposed to the after effect. What he proposes is the possibility of outside forces interfering in a way to display their power over modern weapon technology and sending a message to the Obama administration to halt the plan on a secret NASA space program.

First thing to take into consideration is the perfect geometric spiral consisting of four 90-degree darkened divisions, geometric behavior inconceivable for any fuel spewing rocket. Richard says this is done by a presence of some kind of energy induced standing wave pattern in the spiral. As the spiral changes in the night sky you can see it going through different vibrational modes, this has never been seen in any rocket failure before. Some kind of electromagnetic technology (HAARP) causing the rocket to spin out of control? Some kind of torsion field technology used by the Russians themselves?

The different theories are worlds apart and I have to admit the possibilities are endless. Regardless something appeared in the sky on December 9, 2009 and yet no completely solid explanation has been given to what this was. I myself have speculations but with the lack of evidence and misinformation I have come across I leave this one to your imaginations. Love to hear some of your comments.

Robert Michael "Zubenegenubi Press"

Sunday, February 28, 2010

"Fascist Tyranny?"

And here I was told the Obama administration would be different than the Bush administration. We are still at war with Iraq and Afganistan and about to invade a few more, we are still losing our rights everyday, and as if he has any say or power in real life anyway our president is trying very hard to sign over our sovereignty rights in the name of global warming. Democracy? I think not! Hows that old saying go? No matter who wins the election the 'fascist' government gets in.http://www.clevelandleader.com/node/13183

Robert Michael "Zubenegenubi Press"

Monday, December 14, 2009

"Vaccinations and a Micro-chipped World Population"

In December of 2005 the Giove A satellite was sent into orbit for the Galileo European navigation system. Galileo chips embedded in many types of devices could be read from the Giove A satellite. Galileo consists of thirty satellites and ground stations providing position information to users in many sectors (transportation, social services, justice system, custom services, public works, search and rescue and many more. The Giove A satellite is said to be used specifically in communication with microchips inserted under the skin of human beings.

The Verichip corporation, a branch of Applied Digital, have started manufacturing and marketing what they are calling V-chips. The V-chip is the first operational human microchip linked to a global positioning satellite. The satellites function is tracking and acts as a user identity device to connect to the web. It is powered electromechanically through the movement of ones muscles and is being used in hospitals for many reasons from the safety of Alzheimer’s disease patients to the safety of new born babies.

Dr. Peter Zhou, chief scientist at Digital angel inc., (which is a subsidiary of Applied Digital), is the developer along with Princeton University and the New Jersey Institute of Technology. Dr. Peter Zhou said, ” Digital Angel will be a connection from yourself to the electronic world. It will be your guardian, protector. It will bring good things to you. We will be a hybrid of electronic intelligence and our own soul.”

Professor Kevin Warwick of Reading University in England was implanted with a microchip and may get another connecting his nervous system to a data processor, batteries, and radio transmitters. Professor Kevin Warwick said, “ This is the next step of merging man and machine.” Kevin is funded, according to London Daily Mail, half a million pounds by major U.S. Internet firms. Professor Warwick admits that he could suffer permanent physical damage to his arm, and then said, “ he hoped there would be no mental damage.” He is a huge supporter and suggests micro chipping children. His website says he has taken the first steps using himself as a guinea pig test subject receiving , by surgical operation, technological implants connected to his central nervous system overriding everything, at the expense of a normal life, is Kevin’s all encompassing scientific quest and desire to be a cyborg…part human, part machine.

Opponents of the chip tend to focus on the use of tracking people but other claims have been made by scientists, authors, and many researchers. Some claims that have been made is the control of thought, emotion, behavior, and some say the technology to generate voices in the head or hallucinations.

Dr. Rauni-Leena Luukanen-Kilde, former provincial medical officer of the finnish Lapland Province has campaigned to stop human micro chipping. She exclaimed, “ Every thought, reaction, hearing and visual observation causes a certain neurological potential, spikes, and patterns it the brain and its electromagnetic fields, which can now be decoded into thoughts, pictures, and voices. Electromagnetic stimulation can therefore change a persons brainwaves and affect muscular activity, causing painful muscular cramps experienced as torture, the electronic surveillance system can simultaneously follow and handle millions of people. Each of us has a unique bioelectrical resonance frequency in the brain just as we have unique fingerprints. With electromagnetic frequency (EMF) brain stimulation fully coded, pulsating electromagnetic signals can be sent to the brain causing the desired voice and visual effects to be experienced by the target. U.S. astronauts were implanted before they were sent into space so their thoughts could be followed and all there emotions could be registered twenty four hours a day.”

The human body resembles a modern day computer in many ways, sending electrical signals to the brain which is the CPU or central processing unit of our biological computer structure. Some claim the micro chip once in the body can override the brain. Doing this enables the potential danger of mass mind control on so many levels.

The microchip developed by the Verichip corporation (Applied Digital) is the size of an American dime. This technological advance is outdated compared to what government and corporate organizations are using. Some who have worked with these agencies say that they are so advanced that we could not comprehend their level of technology.

Dr. Rauni-Leena Luukanen-Kilde writes: “Today’s microchips operate by low frequency radio waves that target them. A 5 micro millimeter microchip is placed into the optical nerve of the eye, it draws neuro-impulses from the brain that embody the experiences, smells, sights, and voice of the implanted person. Once transferred and stored in the computer, neuro-impulses can be projected back to the persons brain via the microchip to be re-experienced.” A prime example of this was the rambo chip which was injected into soldiers of the Vietnam War. The chip was used and designed to increase adrenaline flow into the bloodstream.

GlaxoSmithKline is preparing to sell billions worth of swine flu drugs this year. Worldwide sales of the drug are expected to be enormous. According to Margaret Chan, Director-General of the World Health Organization, vaccine makers could produce nearly five billion pandemic flu shots per year in the best case scenario. Big Pharmaceutical companies stand to make forty nine billion a year on the swine flu vaccine alone.

Now here is where it gets even more interesting. The Obama Health Care Bill under class 2 (paragraph one section B) specifically includes a class 2 device that is implantable. What is device a class 2 device you ask? It states on page 1004 of the bill, approved by the F.D.A. a class 2 implantable device is a “implanted radio frequency transponder system for patient identification and health information.

Now we can start to put the pieces of the puzzle together. There are two different starting points that will meet and do so without us even seeing it. A woman spoke out at an introductory talk about German New Medicine near Vienna, Austria and she said her friend in a pharmaceutical company had told her that the swine flu injection needles indeed contain nano particles in their very tip which can not be detected with the naked eye but are visible with a twelve times magnifying microscope. She said the woman told her that the nano particles work in the human body like a motherboard in a computer, and lots of data can be stored on it. For quite some time Austrian scientists have been using nano particles in vaccinations but little of this is known to the general public.

Nowadays, it is becoming more and more known what the negative affects of vaccinations on the human body. They are a source of mercury poisoning and have been linked to autism. Modern Vaccines still to this day contain streptomycin, sodium chloride, sodium hydroxide, aluminum, hydrochloride, sorbitol, hydrolyed gelatin, and formaldehyde, to name a few. Look up any of these and you will find the harmful affects they have and yet they inject them into people in every country. Up until 1989, pre school children got three vaccines, by 1999 it was recommended a total of twenty two vaccines be given to children before the first grade. The autism rate soared between 1989 and 2003 with now more than half a million autistic children in the U.S.A.

Dr. Rashid Buttar told the Congressional Reform and Oversight Subcommittee on Wellness and Human Rights about his remarkable success in treating autism simply by removing mercury from the children’s bodies. The Chairman of the American Board of Clinical Metal Toxicology said, “ When thirty one children recover from a devastating disease by a simple transdermal treatment that detoxifies metals, then common sense dictates that perhaps metals are involved.

We now are in a state of an emergency and level six threat declare by the World Health Organization. The swine flu is the talk of the town and they are pushing for everyone to be vaccinated. Massachusetts is leading the bill in the U.S. that is titled “Pandemic Response Bill” 2028. It passed the M.A. state senate and is now awaiting approval from the House. The bill suspends virtually all Constitutional rights of Massachusetts citizens and forces anyone suspected of being infected to submit to interrogations, decontamination, and vaccines. Oklahoma is also in the process of passing a bill which will quarantine citizens and issue permanent R.F.I.D bracelets to those given the H1N1 vaccine. World Health Organization is recommending mandatory H1N1 vaccination of everyone in all 194 countries that belong to the (WHO). These vaccinations have been linked to many deaths and some say they are worst than the flu itself.

Barbara Loe Fisher, president of the National Vaccine Information Center said,” Congress hands power to drug companies, power to fast track creation of experimental drugs in vaccines that do not have to be tested as thoroughly as vaccines that go through the normal F.D.A. licensing process.

In Norway the swine flu vaccination campaign was delayed because the hospitals had to wait for special needles and syringes. The question to ask here is: why? It was suggested that special government supplied needles are to be used because these will contain a nano chip. A barcode on the syringe package would allow traceability. What!? An article titled 'Nano Particles used in Untested H1N1 swine flu vaccines' stated, "vaccines which have been approved by the Responsible Government and Authorities for Vaccination Against H1N1 Influenza Swine Flu have found to contain nano particles." Now, that is one ingredient they forgot to mention.

In 2007 researchers at the Ecole Poly Technique Fedarale De Lausanne (EPFL) announced in the journal, 'Nature Biotechnology', that they had developed a nano particle that can deliver vaccines more effectively. At a mere twenty five nanometers, these particles are so tiny that once “injected” they flow through the skins extra cellular matrix, making a beeline for the lymph nodes. Russia has recently announced a new manufacturing plant that will strictly produce nano vaccines for human flu and bird flu.

A.T.S news 6 reported on a 1989 article from the Sun that about secret plans to implant every man, woman, and child through injections. A.B.C.net reported the corporation Hitachi based out of Tokyo, Japan has developed a chip the size of a speck of dust. The Hitachi company has made a microchip that is 0.4mm x o.4mm that operates entirely on its own.

A Florida based Company is turning its microchip development branch toward “Emergency Preparedness” hoping to produce an implant that can detect in its host’s bloodstream the presence of the swine flu or other viruses deemed a bio threat. One can see that the technology is there and that there is some implication toward injecting the chip through the vaccine. Which brings us to the question, why is the micro chipping of every person so important to the elites of the world?

Author David Icke interviewed a C.I A. scientist who was desperate to alert people of the dangers of human micro chipping (among other things) and he said, “On one level the chips were there to keep constant track of where we are and what we are doing, but the main reason was to manipulate at will our mental and emotional process". He told David, "if there is one thing to say no to, it is human micro chipping". What if we were unaware of the implantation?
American film producer, Aaron Russo, said publicly that he was told by Nick Rockefeller that a plan was to create a micro chipped population. Rockefeller told him the goal was to get everybody chipped to control the whole of society, to have the bankers and the elite people control the world. Russo was told if he joined the cause his chip would be specially coded to avoid inspection by authorities.

The Homeland Security Act, which passed a year after Congress enacted the U.S.A. Patriot Act of 2001, gave sweeping new powers to law enforcement and intelligence agencies and reduced oversight powers to the U.S. courts in reviewing government surveillance of American citizens. The Homeland Security Act gives Pharmaceutical companies and other corporations immunity from civil lawsuits for harm caused to citizens, limits citizens access to information that can be obtained under the Freedom of Information Act and allows government committees to meet in secret. Are we starting to see the big picture here? Dr. Gert Hammer (German New Medicine) said,” When refusal of the vaccination (chip) you will not be taken to a normal prison but in especially prepared concentration camps which hundreds have been prepared all over the United States", hence the F.E.M.A camps.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency otherwise know as F.E.M.A. is part of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security based out of Washington D.C. has been building camps all over the country since the nineties and they remain empty thus far. They are recorded with giving only six percent of their revenue to rescue and rebuilding, the other percent is unknown.
Since 9/11 many laws have been passed without the consent of congress. The Bush administration passed many of these laws and this is still happening under the Obama administration as well. Here is a list of just a few if ever we are issued a state of emergency, these laws found under the Executive order to create F.E.M.A state:

10990: Allows the government to seize and control the communication media.
10998: Allows government to mobalize civilians into work brigades under government supervision.
11001: Allows government to take over health, education, and welfare functions.
11004: Allows the Housing and Finance Authority to relocate communities, build new housing with public funds, designate areas to be abandoned, and establish new locations for populations.
11921: Allows the Federal Emergency Preparedness Agency to develop plans to establish control over mechanisms of production and distribution, of energy resources, salaries, credit, and flow of money in the U.S.A. financial institution in any undefined national emergency. It also provides that when in a state of emergency declared by the president, Congress cannot review the action for six months……this all sounds a little like a fascist tyranny don’t you think?

Camps and forced vaccinations containing nano technology with the capability to control ones emotional state. Laws being passed behind Congresses back. I’m not sure I can continue to call the United States a democracy when such deviant actions blatantly go against our Constitutional rights. What is it the world governments are preparing for? Many say micro chipping through vaccines is the final step toward the New World Order. If anyone has done any research into this term you will find it is an agenda toward a one world government, a one world currency, one world health system. One that will label anyone who speaks out, a terrorist. One that will put its citizens in concentration camps. If we continue to allow these actions in government we will be living in a world not so free, a world of suffering, of mind, emotional, and physical control enforced by a one world army. It is happening right in front of our eyes and we need to say no before it is too late.

Robert Michael, "Zubenegenubi Press"